Billy was Mr and Mrs Dunbar’s son. His parents allowed him to do whatever he wanted. Billy had, therefore, become extremely naughty and spoilt.
Billy never cleaned up his room. His toys littered the house. His mother had to make his bed, dress him for school, pack his school bag every day because Billy would not do any of these things himself. He piled things on to his plate and then wasted the food. He threw tantrums if his parents tried to correct him.
If Billy did anything nasty or stupid, he was not checked. His parents were scared of hurting him. If Billy was upset, he would sulk for days!
One day, Billy’s grandmother came to stay with them. She brought gifts for everyone. But she was very upset and angry when she saw Billy’s behaviour. She decided that Billy must be taught how to respect everyone and also to do his work himself. She had a talk with his parents and they made a plan. The next day, none woke Billy up for school. He suddenly awoke and, finding he was late, he began to yell at his mother. Then he saw his bag was not packed, nor was his uniform kept ready on his bed. He ran around getting dressed and stuffed his books into his bag, grabbed a sandwich and ran to catch the bus.

When he came home, he found Granny chatting with the neighbour. Mummy had gone out shopping. How could they ignore him! When Mummy came home, she called out, “Billy, the milk and sandwiches are on the table,” before she went on with her work. Billy did not bother to drink the milk. “I’ll show them! How dare they neglect me like this?” he thought.
He played football, breaking two flower pots and spoiling a flower bed too. When Papa came home, he looked at the garden and said, “Billy, you have to help me repair that flower bed. And we must save to buy new flower pots too.”
Billy was shocked. “Work in the garden!” he thought, “Never! Never!”
At dinner time Billy threw a tantrum. He pushed away his plate. “I don’t want this! Give me something else!” he demanded outrightly.
Everyone went on eating calmly. Billy rushed off to his room without dinner. No one called him. He fell asleep, sulking and dreaming.

The next few days went on in the same way. By the end of the week, Granny’s plan had worked! Billy had become a cheerful, responsible fellow!
Moral: Be cheerful and responsible.