STAMINA OF YOUR LUNGS (Amazing Science Games and Experiments)

Materials Required:

  1. Big glass bowl and water
  2. Jar with lid
  3. Hollow rubber tube


  1. Take a big glass bowl and fill it up with water to about 5 to 7 cm in height.
  2. Then make a jar fill it up with water and tighten its lid quite firmly.
  3. Now, hold the jar upside down, immerse it in the water and remove its lid.
  4. Mark the level of water inside the jar and tilt the jar to one side. You will need a hollow rubber tube whose one end should be inserted inside the inverted jar, leaving the other end hanging freely outside the bowl.
  5. Inhale as deeply as you can and then blow the air forcefully inside the free end of the tube by your mouth.
  6. Observe simultaneously the
    volume of water you can displace
    and fill in the air instead.
  7. Mark this level of water as well.

This is what happens:

The difference between the two marks shall determine the capacity of your lungs. But be careful while blowing the air inside the tube; you do not either break your breath or inhale. By its regular practice for a few days you find the difference between the two marks increasing, deem it that you are getting the due benefit from this exercise.

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