Steel Wool In Vinegar (Creative Chemistry Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Steel wool
  2. Vinegar
  3. 2 jars
  4. Lid
  5. Thermometer

Soak some steel wool in a bowl of vinegar and see what happens. Learn all about exothermic reactions in simple manner.


  1. Take the steel wool and soak it in vinegar for a minute in a jar.
  2. Remove the wool and leave it aside to drain.
  3. In another bowl or jar, pour fresh vinegar.
  4. Take the drained steel wool and wrap it around the base of a thermometer.
  5. Place the wool and the thermometer in the vinegar solution, covering it with a lid.
  6. Place the thermometer in such a way that you can read the temperature. Preferably, let it stick out from a hole made in the lid.
  7. Check the temperature when placed inside after 5 minutes.


The temperature of the wool rises without any heat source! This is because of the chemical reaction that takes place between the iron in steel wool and oxygen, creating energy in the form of heat.

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