The Haliaeetus pelagicus (scientific name) or steller’s sea eagle is endemic to the coastal regions of North-Eastern Asia. While the male is 2.3 feet, the female is larger at 3.5 feet of body length. This bird is the heaviest eagle in the world and also one of the largest raptors in the world. The beak and the feet are yellow. The head, upper body plumage, and wings are all greyish-brown in colour. The shoulders, lower tail feathers and leg feathers are all white. Its diet mostly is comprised of fish. However, apart from fish, they are also known to eat water-dwelling birds like ducks, swans, geese, etc. An average clutch has 1-3 eggs which are incubated for 39-45 days. Its IUCN listing is VULNERABLE.
Steller’s Sea Eagle