Embark on a brave and whimsical journey with “The Bold Little Tailor” from Sawan Book Brand. This delightful kids’ board fairy tale introduces young readers to the daring adventures of a small tailor with big dreams. With sturdy board pages perfect for little hands, this enchanting book features vibrant illustrations and a captivating narrative. Join the tailor as he faces giants, outwits adversaries, and proves that even the smallest can achieve greatness. “The Bold Little Tailor” is a treasured addition to any child’s library, inspiring them to be brave and believe in themselves.
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Children Books, Kids Board Fairy Tales, Story Books
The Bold Little Tailor | Kids Board Fairy Tales | Book for Kids
Original price was: ₹80.00.₹79.00Current price is: ₹79.00.
Sawan Presents The Bold Little Tailor; Storytelling is a traditional art followed by our forefathers. It is something that can be enjoyed from childhood up to early teens. The story is a collection of age-old, time-tested stories to help readers learn and develop fundamental values such as sincerity, honesty, courage and truthfulness. Stories teach children good habits and behaviour.
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