“Bleak House” by Charles Dickens is a sprawling novel that explores the themes of social injustice and legal corruption in 19th-century England. The story is told from multiple perspectives, including the young orphan Esther Summerson, who navigates the convoluted and bureaucratic legal system and the embittered and vengeful Lady Dedlock, who harbours a dark secret. This classic novel is a must-read for anyone interested in Victorian literature and the complexities of the human experience.
Bleak House | All-Time Great Classics | Novels
Original price was: ₹100.00.₹99.00Current price is: ₹99.00.
Sawan Presents Bleak House, This book offers exciting and interesting tales. Your child will never run out of entertainment with this set. Young readers of today will find this modern classic stories very useful to enhance their reading habits as well as creating their interest and awareness to understand the language written so vividly & lucidly in this mini edition. This illustrated edition is a fascinating classic for all. This book cover some questions and answers at the end so that the reader can get a vivid idea about the story.
Dimensions | 22 × 14 × 1 cm |
Binding Attribute | Paperback |
Made of | Maplitho |
Number of Pages | 104 |
HSN CODE | 49030010 |
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