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Jan Koum

Original price was: ₹50.00.Current price is: ₹49.00.

Sawan presents the alluring and inspiring biography of Jan Koum, CEO of the cool instant messaging app WhatsApp. Jan Koum set out on a journey toward the great goal of ?everything is high?. At the end of 2008, they applied for a job at Facebook, which was spreading virally in the United States. The answer was rejected. But he did not give up and built his own messaging software – WhatsApp!

SKU: 978-93-90472-40-6 Category:

Sawan presents the alluring and inspiring biography of Jan Koum, CEO of the cool instant messaging app WhatsApp. Jan Koum set out on a journey toward the great goal of ?everything is high?. At the end of 2008, they applied for a job at Facebook, which was spreading virally in the United States. The answer was rejected. But he did not give up and built his own messaging software – WhatsApp!

Dimensions28 × 22 × 1 cm


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