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The Legend of Bhagat Singh

Original price was: ₹60.00.Current price is: ₹59.00.

Sawan Presents Biographies Of Freedom Fighter The Legend of Bhagat Singh. This book is full of insights, personal moments and life experiences faced by these great personalities. Every common man who by his strength of mind and hard work achieves success should share his story with the rest for this may find inspiration and strength to go on, in these stories. It gives us an understanding on the journey of success.

SKU: 978-81-8133-430-5 Categories: , ,

Sawan Presents Biographies Of Freedom Fighter The Legend of Bhagat Singh. This book is full of insights, personal moments and life experiences faced by these great personalities. Every common man who by his strength of mind and hard work achieves success should share his story with the rest for this may find inspiration and strength to go on, in these stories. It gives us an understanding on the journey of success.

Dimensions24 × 14 × 1 cm


Binding Attribute


Made of


Number of Pages





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