Stork-billed Kingfisher

The Pelargopsis capensis (scientific name) or stork-billed kingfisher is found in the tropical parts of South-East Asia, from India to Indonesia. 14-15 inches in length, this bird is larger than its cousins. It has a greyish head, stork-like thick red beak and red legs. The small portion of the neck, throat, chest and underparts are buff-yellow coloured, while the wings and upperparts are turquoise. They use their large bills to eat fish, but their diet also is comprised of insects, frogs, mice, lizards, smaller birds and their eggs. A clutch of the stork-billed kingfisher has 2-5 eggs which are laid in tunnel-like nests. However, the incubation period is not confirmed. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.

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