
The first historical stove was invented in Alsace, France, in the year 1490. Bricks and tiles were used to make this stove and it also had chimney. Thereafter in the year 1728, good-quality stoves were made of German design using cast iron. These stoves were named as Jamb or five-plate stoves.

During 1700s, Benjamin Franklin invented the first iron furnace stoves and named them Franklin stoves. The primary sootless kerosene stove was invented by Frans Wilhelm Lindquist. Thereafter, in the year 1833, Jordan Mott invented the baseburner; the primary convenient stove works using coal. This stove had ventilation which used to help coal to burn well. Later in the year 1826, James Sharp, a British, invented the primary winning gas stove which hit the market proficiently.

In the year 1891, an electric stove was invented by the Carpenter Electric Heating Manufacturing Company which gave a start to a huge competition between coal stove and electric stove.

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