Strike when the Iron is Hot

The proverb quoted above is intended to impress upon our minds the desirability of catching time by the forelock. A blacksmith strikes the iron when it is red-hot for then it is soft and he can mould it into whatever shape he likes. But if by negligence or carelessness he allows it to cool, no extent of hammering will have any effect. In the same way, it is advisable for human beings to seize an opportunity as soon as it presents itself and not to wait until it is too late. Just as the hot iron gets cold quickly, so an opportunity passes quickly and may not come again. A wise man, therefore, is always on the look-out for an opportunity and grasps it as soon as it appears.
In the early days, when the departure of the ship was dependent upon the tide, the sailors used to wait for it anxiously; as soon as it rose they sailed away. Missing the tide meant the postponement of the journey.
Many people fail in life because they do not learn the lesson of striking when the iron is hot. Take the case of a businessman to whom a good bargain is proposed. If he is sensible, he will at once opt it but if he becomes unduly suspicious and takes too long weighing the pros and cons of the offer, the same bargaining may be offered to somebody else. Needless to mention that one should not use once judgment in such matters; but excessive caution is ill-advised: one must push one’s advantage as that may be the only chance. A subordinate can obtain a rise in his salary as a reward for his faithful service, provided he can adjudge his employer’s mood & thereby make timely request.
Grasps—catches hold of
Pros and cons—advantages and disadvantages

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