While Arjuna was studying at Drona’s ashrama, he heard about the beautiful Subhadra, half-sister of Krishna. During exile, he went disguised as an ascetic to Dwaraka. Krishna recognized him even in disguise. When Arjuna told him he wished to marry Subhadra, Krishna said that his elder brother, Balarama, wouldn’t agree, so he would have to be persuaded. Krishna helped him plan how to go about it. With Balarama’s consent, the ascetic stayed in Subhadra’s garden, and she looked after him with devotion. Arjuna, still disguised, shared the stories of the Pandavas with her. Soon he came to know that she loved Arjuna secretly. Then he revealed himself. It was a Kshatriya custom then to abduct the chosen lady with her consent and marry her. Krishna helped them and Arjuna took her to Indraprastha. He warned her to win over Draupadi first. With the consent of both Draupadi and Balarama, they were married. Abhimanyu was their son.