Super Tasters (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Blue food colour
  2. Toothpicks
  3. Paper hole reinforcement labels (available at stationery shops)
  4. Disposable rubber gloves
  5. Drinking water
  6. Magnifying glass
  7. Volunteers

Conduct this experiment to spot the super
tasters from the normal guys, just by
looking at their tongues.


  1. Wear disposable rubber gloves. Ask all your volunteers to line up.
  2. Begin by dipping the toothpick into blue food colour.
  3. Place a single drop of the blue food colour at the very tip of your friend’s tongue.
  4. Using a different toothpick for everyone repeat
    the process.
  5. Make everyone swish some water in his
    mouth 2-3 times.
  6. Now make each one swallow a couple
    of times to dry out his mouth.
  7. Place one reinforcement label on the
    tip of each person’s tongue.
  8. The blue food colour stains the entire tongue excepting the papillae.
  9. Using the magnifying glass count
    the number of papillae visible
    within the circle.


The more the number of large visible papillae within the circle, the better is the person’s sense of taste. If the number of papillae is above 30 then your volunteer is definitely a Super taster!!! And the lesser the number of papillae, especially below 15, the less the person does not enjoy the taste of food all that much.

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