Superhuman Powers (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l A friend
l Broom

Challenge your friend with this experiment—you’ll always win!

  1. Ask your pal to hold both hands straight out and grasp the broom.
  2. Place one of your hands in the center of the broom, with your arm bent at the elbow, grasping it with a slight downward tug. Tell your friend that you bet he or she can’t push you over with the broom.
  3. As your friend pushes the broom toward you, push straight up. You will remain standing in place.

This Is What Happens:
Even if your friend is bigger and stronger than you, you will always win because you have a hidden power. You have much more leverage—with one bent arm acting as a lever—than your friend has with two straight arms. A lever helps to lift weights with less effort, giving you a mechanical advantage. So the direction of your friend’s pushing force is easily offset by a much smaller force from you.

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