Swayamprabha’s Cave

When Hanuman was leaving Kishkindha, Rama gave him a ring so that Seeta might know that he came as a messenger from Rama. The bond between Rama and Hanuman was so strong that Rama was sure Hanuman would find Seeta. However, as the days passed, there was no sign of Seeta anywhere and the vanara sena was tired and hungry. Suddenly, they came upon a cave from which birds were flying out. The vanara sena held hands and went in to find sweet water springs, waterfalls and a lot of fruit trees inside. There was a beautiful but deserted city inside. They were delighted and had a hearty meal. They found an old ascetic woman, Swayamprabha, who looked after this city gifted by Indra to her friend. They told her of their search for Seeta. She asked them to close her eyes and by the power of her meditation, transported them to the seaside.

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