Annabel, Cara, Graham, Jordy and Maddy went to Sally’s Sweet Shop for a treat.

Ice-cream Sundae $2.65
Double-scoop Cone $2.10
Chocolate Fudge Cake $2.40
Juice Float $1.00
Chocolate Candy Animal $1.25
Ice-cream Soda $2.25
Each person got something different and each gave the cashier $3.00. Every item on the menu was purchased by someone in the group.
Annabel got back 3 quarters, 1 dime and 1 nickel in change.
Graham got back the least amount of change.
Cara got back 40¢ more than Graham.
Jordy is the only one who bought 2 items. He still got back 3 quarters in change.
Which sweet treats did each person buy?
(Note: a quarter is worth $0.25, a dime is worth $0.10, and a nickel is worth $0.05.)
Annabel bought the double-scoop cone.
Cara bought the ice-cream soda.
Graham bought the ice-cream sundae.
Jordy bought the juice float and chocolate candy animal.
Maddy bought the chocolate fudge cake.