Swinging Gravity Defying Trays (Funky Physics Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Sturdy paper plate
  2. Plastic glass
  3. Water
  4. 6 feet of string

Try this fun experiment to learn all about
centripetal force, but trust in physics; otherwise,
you are going to get water all over yourself.


  1. Try this experiment outdoors.
  2. Take a sturdy paper plate and make three holes around the circumference, equidistant to one another. For example, the three holes can be placed at 12, 4 and 8, if the plate was a clock.
  3. Take your string and thread it through the hole which would be 12. Tie a knot and continue to thread the holes which would be 4 and 8 next.
  4. Get the string up from the plate so that all three lengths may meet up, and also the lengths from 12, 4 and 8 are equally suspended.
  5. Place a plastic glass filled with water at the centre of the plate.
  6. Get a feel of the strings attached to the plate, and holding them at the joint, start swinging your plate around, first sideways and gradually in a circular motion.


The glass will stay on the paper plate and not fall down. This is a result of the centripetal force which is exerted by the plate onto the glass, thus keeping the glass in place, and moving in a continuous circular motion.

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