One night, a group of thieves broke into Mulla Nasruddin’s house and demanded money. Mulla said, “I would gladly give you a million Thankas but unfortunately I am rather low on funds right now, and only have twenty Thankas in my pocket.” Saying this, he handed it to the thieves. But the thieves were very angry and decided to spend the night at Mulla’s house to punish him. “Stand on one foot for the rest of the night!” they demanded. Mulla did as he was told, and the thieves went to sleep while one stayed on guard. After an hour, the guard said to Mulla, “Listen, I’ll let you switch to the other leg.” Mulla said, “You’re a much better person than the rest of them. My money is actually in my shoes in the closet. You can go and take it but don’t give any to them.” The thief happily left with the money, leaving Mulla to stand on one leg.
Switch Legs