Sybil’s Song

Today, Ted was so excited. Mom and Dad had given him a smartphone. Now he could also show his friends his new phone and play games like they did. But more than the games, Ted was interested to make his own play list and listen to songs on his phone. He already had his list in his mind. Just when he was downloading his songs, his phone rang. Without looking at the number, Ted picked up the call and said, “Hello.” But no one spoke on the other side. However, there was a song playing softly. The tune was hypnotic. Ted could not stop listening to it. But exactly 55 seconds later, the song stopped and the call got disconnected. Ted was curious but did not think any more. He was busy remembering the beautiful melody he had just heard.

Later the next day, the same call came. Once, twice and eight more times. “Hello! Who is it?” Ted asked repeatedly. No one answered but the song kept playing. A very sweet and soft voice whispered, “Come with me!” The voice and the music were enchanting. Ted wanted to go to it. That night, Ted dreamt sitting in a beautiful garden with the hypnotic song playing. Just then a large and hairy monster lunged at him! He woke up with a start! Ted was terrified. He had to stop listening to the song and that voice. He remembered Grandma telling him about Sybil, the Song Monster. Sybil used to play beautiful melodies for children and then take them away from their parents. Those children were never found after that. Ted remembered Grandma’s advice, “No one can help you but you yourself!” She often repeated this when Ted cried for help from others. She would encourage him to find the solution to the problem. This was one of those times when Ted had to find the solution himself. Or at least, he had to try. Next time the phone rang, Ted picked up and immediately said, “Don’t think I’m afraid!” Immediately, there was complete silence. And then the call was disconnected. Ted felt very brave. He was panting as if he had just run a mile around his sports field. A little while later, the phone rang again. “I don’t like your song. So, don’t scare me!” There was a loud roar, “Nooooo!” and the phone went silent. No calls came after that. Ted never heard that beautiful melody again or that hypnotizing voice asking him to come. He had stood against Sybil, the song monster. He was safe. Grandma was right, ‘No one can help you but you yourself!’

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