Taj Mahal

Sheikh Chilli visited Agra. There, he went to see the white marble wonder, the Taj Mahal. He roamed around, admiring the beauty. After some time, he sat down to rest. Next to him, two drunk men were having an argument. Sheikh Chilli could hear that they were talking about who would be able to buy the Taj Mahal. This made Sheikh Chilli believe that the Taj Mahal was really on sale. He decided to fool the drunkards and buy the Taj Mahal for himself. He casually walked up to them and asked the reason for their quarrel. They told Sheikh what the matter was. He grandly announced, “How can you buy it when I am not selling it, you fools? It is mine!” The drunkards were quite disappointed that they had lost the opportunity of buying the Taj Mahal. Sheikh was amused at their stupidity, and started looking for the person who actually owned the Taj Mahal. He wanted to buy it for himself!

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