Ted Gave Food to Poor Children

Ted loved pastries, chocolates and cakes. He ate them whenever he wanted to. Often, he ate more than he should eat at his age. Ted’s mother baked new delicacies for him to eat. One day, Ted’s mother baked a delicious chocolate cake. He had already eaten lunch, but he wanted to eat a few slices of the cake as well. If he wanted to eat something, he did not bother whether he was hungry or not. He just ate. But today, he did not want to be greedy. ‘I should not be greedy,’ he thought. Suddenly, he remembered that there were poor children at a nearby orphanage. ‘They would be happy if they ate this cake,’ Ted thought. With his mother’s permission, he gave them the cake. ‘It feels so much better to see them enjoying the cake, than it is to eat it myself,’ Ted thought as he smiled.

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