Tenali Raman had grown a huge papaya in his garden. It was the biggest papaya anybody had ever seen and Tenali was very proud of it. One day, the king of the country who was touring the country in disguise, arrived there and was fascinated by the papaya. “Will you give it to me?” the king asked Raman.
“No,” said Raman. “Will you sell it to me?” asked the ruler. “No,” said the Raman. “Then what are you going to do with it?” asked the king. “I plan to take it to the palace and give it to the king,” he said. “I see,” said the king, “But suppose he refuses to accept it.” “Then he can go to the devil!” snorted Raman. A few days later, Raman came to the palace with the papaya. He at once recognized the king but gave no sign that he had done so. “I’ve brought you a papaya,” he said, humbly. “It’s a marvel,” said the king. “But suppose I refuse to accept it?” “Then, sire,” said Raman, timidly, “You already know my answer.”