Testing your Steadiness (Physics Experiments)

Have you ever played the electrified board game in which you must operate on a patient? If your hand isn’t steady, the forceps strike the conducting metal. Instantly a loud sound confirms that you “grounded out” and completed your turn. In this experiment, you’ll have the chance to build another type of game that also tests your steadiness.
Things Required:
Metal clothes hanger
Simple buzzer circuit
Two lumps of clay
Connecting wires with each end stripped 1½ inches bare of insulations
Steel wool
Use steel wool to remove any sort of coating or lacquer that covers the clothes hanger.
Untwist the coat hanger and rebend it into a large “U”. Make several bumps in the middle section of the “U”. Stand up the ends of this clothes hanger with lumps of clay.
Assemble the battery of two “D” cells. Attach a connecting wire from one base of the clothes hanger to one terminal of the buzzer. Attach another connecting wire from the other terminal of the buzzer to one of the ends of the battery. Now attach the 2-foot-long connecting wire to the other end of the battery. Bend the free end of the 2-foot wire into a small loop that fits around the coat hanger.
The object of this game is to move the loop along the entire path and not to make contact with the hanger.

This Is What Happens:
In order to “win,” you have to maintain an open circuit. If your hand is not steady, the loop will make contact with the conductive hanger. Once contact is made, the circuit becomes complete and the buzzer sounds to announce your defeat!

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