Jemmy was a frog and had nothing to do on the farm. He simply hopped around and made friends with all the farm creatures. Buttercup, the cow, was the only one who thought he was a silly creature and didn’t want to be friends with him. One night, Jemmy heard Buttercup mooing loudly. He hopped to the cow-byre and peeped in, knowing she would be annoyed if she saw him. But what he saw frightened him dreadfully. For, there was a snake in the byre! That’s why Buttercup was mooing in panic. Jemmy began croaking loud enough to wake everybody up on the farm! The animals and the birds, disturbed, began to kick up a racket. Soon, Farmer Norton awoke. Lights went on and he came out to see what was going on. He saw the snake and immediately thrashed it with his stick! Buttercup was so grateful to Jemmy that they became the best of friends!
The Adopted Frog