Once, a man caught a very beautiful bird. He was about to squeeze and kill her. But the bird pleaded, “Please don’t kill me. I’ll give you three important pieces of advice.” The first advice was not to let go of what you have in your hands. The second advice was never to regret what had happened. Then, the bird said that the third advice would be very useful to his children and grandchildren and she would not tell till he released her. The man let her go and she flew up and sat on a tree. “What did I say to you? Do you remember?” she said to the man. “You said, ‘Don’t let go of what you have in your hands.’” “Yes. But you released me. If you hadn’t, you would have found gold in my body which would have been a great benefit to your children and grandchildren.” “What about the third one?” he asked. “Don’t regret what you have lost.” And the bird flew away.
The Advice of a Bird