The air we breathe is a mixture of many gases, of which oxygen is the most important. If we were not able to breathe this precious air for even a few minutes, we would die. Thus air is vital to us.
Air is vital too to the plants and animals that live on earth. We are all surrounded by air. Our bodies live and move in it. Thus it is important that the air remains clean and pure.
Alas, modern man has polluted the air. By constantly emitting poisonous gas andfumes into the air from his factories and other devices, man is threatening his very own survival. The air we breathe now is filled with unnecessary and harmful pollutants. If this is allowed to increase then one day we may not have any more clean air to breathe.
The choice is ours. Stop polluting the air and we live. Keep polluting the air and we allperish.
emit to send out a beam, noise, smell or gas
fumes gas, smoke
sperish to die