The Ambush


Samuel was driving down the mountains when he noticed a gleam in the distance. The sunlight was glinting off a crowbar. Someone was trying to put up a roadblock! Samuel stopped his car and crept closer to the rocky overhang to get a better view. He could see three men arranging stones on the road, to make it look like a landslide. They were hoping to ambush unsuspecting travellers and loot them! Samuel first called the police. He was at a higher level than the ambushers, so he carefully crawled along the slope till he was directly above them. He made a rough slingshot using a rubber band and broken branch. Taking an aim, he shot a stream of pebbles right at the ambushers! They were so engrossed in trying to save themselves from the pebbles that they did not notice the police approaching! They were arrested, and Samuel was able to continue on his way.

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