The Angel and the Fairy

One gloomy winter’s day, Shimmer Bell, the fairy, was huddled beside the fireplace in her cottage. She stared sadly into the fire. She had nothing to do. She had nobody to play with either. All the other fairies had their own tasks and she had none. So, she sang over and over again:

Fire ‘O’ Fire, Make me a plier
Give me a job, a trade
Take me High, Or, Take me Low
But Don’t let me idle and fade…
Fire ‘O’ Fire…

Suddenly, there was a bright spark in front of her. An angel with shimmering blue wings appeared before her. “Dear Shimmer Bell,” said the angel gently, “From now on, you shall be the Hope Fairy. Whenever a child hopes for something, you shall make it come true.” Dear children, whenever you wish for something and you get it, you must know that the Hope Fairy has paid you a visit!

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