The gnome was tired. He was tired of collecting all the yellow and rotten broken teeth from the children. He did not like giving them gifts in return. The teeth were in quite a bad condition! He was disgusted! The children did not brush their teeth properly at all any more! Earlier, it had been so nice. Children brushed their teeth nicely and did not eat such a lot of sweets and candies. Their teeth glowed like little stars even when they fell out. ‘I don’t like this work any more,’ the gnome said to himself, ‘Why should I give gifts in return for such dirty teeth?’ So, he stopped giving gifts in exchange. Ada’s mummy always reminded her to not to eat a lot of candies. “Brush your teeth after eating the candy,” mummy used to remind her. But Ada always forgot! So, when her baby tooth fell, Ada waited patiently for the gnome to come in the night. The gnome came and took the tooth out from under Ada’s pillow. “Oh! How dirty this tooth is!” exclaimed the gnome. He did not leave a gift. So, Ada was sad when she did not get any gift the next morning.

The next time also, Ada did not get anything. The gnome repeated the same thing. This happened two more times. Ada was very sad. Mummy took her in her arms and said gently, “Remember to brush your teeth, Ada. Nobody likes to take dirty teeth with them!” Ada realised her mistake. And from that day on, she brushed regularly and was careful about how much candy she ate. So, when the fifth tooth fell, Ada waited patiently in the night for the gnome. As always, the gnome came angrily, thinking that he would be getting a dirty, rotten tooth again. But to his surprise, the tooth was as white as snow and twinkled like a little star! The gnome was so happy that tears fell from his eyes. He took Ada in his arms and gave her a gentle hug. It woke Ada up. She was also happy to see that just a simple act of hers had made the gnome so happy. From that day onwards, Ada remembered to brush regularly and even asked her friends and everybody else, who would listen to her, to remember to brush his teeth.