Jakob was a naughty boy. He always looked for a reason to trouble others or play pranks on them.
It was a cold snowy winter. Jakob loved playing in the snow and throwing snowballs at his friends. He would make the biggest and heaviest snowballs and throw them hard at his friends. Many times his friends would get hurt too by the snowballs. One time, Heidi was hurt so badly that her nose bled, and head ached for days. But that did not stop Jakob! He continued throwing snowballs and hitting people.
One day, Jakob had a lot of time at his disposal. He had skipped school. ‘Let me make a lot of snowballs and keep them together. When my friends return from school, then I will hit them with the balls. It is going to be so much fun!’ he said deviously to himself. So, he made a lot of snowballs and kept them together in a pile.

Jakob thought, ‘There is still some time before they come. Let me eat a snack till then.’ However, he fell asleep.
When he woke up, it was evening. ‘Oh no! My friends have gone!’ he thought. ‘Never mind! I will throw my snowballs at them tomorrow!’
Unknown to him, outside, Jakob’s snowballs had joined together and had become a huge snow monster.
That night, Jakob was woken up by loud noises outside his window, “THUMP! WHACK! SHOOSH!”
He looked outside and saw a huge and angry-looking snow monster throwing snowballs at his window. “SMASH!” broke his window and the snowballs came right at Jakob’s face!
“OUCH! They hurt! Please stop!”
But the snow monster would not stop. This went on the entire night. Jakob had to hide under his bed that night!
The next morning everything went quiet. Jakob was glad it was all over. But the same thing happened again that night and the next night and the next…
Jakob was tired and hurt. He wanted to sleep but couldn’t. The snowballs were never-ending!

Hiding under the bed one night, he prayed, “I wish this would stop! I am so sorry for troubling my friends like this. I will not do this ever again to them!”
Suddenly, everything went quiet. No snowballs came. Jakob slept under his bed that night.
The next morning, Jakob saw that instead of the snow monster, there was a huge puddle of water. His wish had come true.