A large parcel had been sent addressed to ‘Princess Sara, The Mill, Huddersfield’.
“What an odd address!” said Wilbur, “A Princess at the Mill? And there’s no one called Sara.”
Wilbur was the miller who lived there with his wife, Emma. They had a daughter who was known as Suzy.
“The postman must have got it muddled, dear,” commented Emma, “It must be for Jones’ daughter.”
Wilbur went off to the Post Office to check.
“The address is clear, sir,” said the Postmaster, “The Mill, Huddersfield. It doesn’t say Honey Farm, Huddersfield. That is Mr Jones’ address.”
Back came Wilbur with the parcel. He and Emma puzzled over it for a while and then decided to give it to Suzy.
“Here’s a parcel, dear,” said Emma, “You are the only girl at the Mill, princess or not. So you’d better open this and see.” Excitedly, Suzy opened the parcel as her parents watched anxiously.
“It’s a dress, Mom! Look! Oh! And here’s something more in it!” she exclaimed as a card fell out of the folds of the dress. “Prince Lionel invites you to the Ball to be held next Saturday at the Palace at eight o’ clock,” she read. The parcel held a pair of silver shoes and a small diamond star clip for the hair too.
Suzy danced around the kitchen holding the gossamer-like blue gown. Wilbur and Emma looked at each other and wondered what this was all about.
But on Saturday, Suzy was ready in time. Wilbur and Emma wore their best clothes and took her in their horse cart to the palace.
The palace glowed with lights and music floated out from the great hall. Guests were arriving in grand style. The miller and his wife led Suzy in and showed the invitation.
In a moment, the handsome young Prince came up with his parents to greet them. They were thrilled to meet Sara and welcomed Wilbur and Emma.
“It is a long story, sir,” said the King, “Sara is my friend, King Henry’s, daughter. When she was an infant, she was in danger because a wicked witch killed her father. We placed her in a basket at your doorstep as we knew you were good people!”
Wilbur and Emma knew that this was the truth, and with a happy heart, they gave their loving ‘Suzy’ in marriage to Prince Lionel. Princess Sara and Prince lived happily thereafter.