The Army Moves on

At Mahendra mountain they discussed how they were to go across the ocean. This had been worrying Rama as now it was not only Hanuman who had to cross the waters, but also the entire army. Sugreeva reassured him, but they had to solve the problem as they watched the huge waves dashing against the shore. The warriors did not lack courage, but crossing the ocean they needed special arrangements. While they were discussing possible ways and means, Ravana was consulting his ministers. The destruction of Lanka had shaken him. He knew he had to prepare for the war with Rama. He asked his council how they should fortify their kingdom and make it secure while getting ready for the enemy. Warriors like Prahastha, Durmukha, Nikumbha, Kumbhakarna’s son, and many others praised Ravana. He had defeated the devas and destroyed many kingdoms. There was no need for him to fear a human being like Rama with his monkey troops.

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