In a far-away forest, there was a river. This river was home to many golden swans. The swans spent most of their time on the banks of the river. Every six months, the swans would leave a golden feather, as a fee for using the river. One day, a homeless crane saw the river. ‘The water in this river seems so cool and soothing. I will make my home here,’ thought the crane. As soon as the crane settled down near the river, the golden swans noticed her. They shouted, “This river belongs to us. We pay a golden feather to the lion king to use this river. You cannot live here!” And the arrogant swans drove the crane away. The crane went to the lion and told him the whole story. The lion king was angry with the arrogant swans. “Leave the river at once or you will be beheaded!” shouted the lion. The swans shivered with fright and flew away never to return.
The Arrogant Swans