The Bear’s Secret

Two friends, Govind and Raghav, set out to explore a nearby forest on a beautiful sunny afternoon. While on their way, they promised to protect each other from danger. They had reached the middle of the forest when, suddenly, a bear came running towards them. Govind climbed a nearby tree to save his life. Raghav, who was still in shock, lay down and acted as if he had been dead. The bear began smelling Raghav. Then, with a little growl, he went over to his ear, as if he had been whispering a secret. Raghav had a tough time staying still. After some time, when the bear was convinced that Raghav was dead, he walked away and disappeared into the thicket. Govind climbed down the tree and asked Raghav, “What did the bear tell you?” Raghav replied, “He advised me to keep away from selfish friends who disappear when danger is near.”

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