The Beggar

Once, there was a beggar. On Christmas Eve, he went to the village headman’s house hoping to get money. The headman had gone to meet the King to ask for grants. When the beggar came to know about it, he thought, ‘If the village headman is taking help from him, I should ask the King for alms.’ On his way, the beggar saw a large crowd outside a church. When he enquired, he found that the King was praying to God to keep his treasury full all the time. Now, the beggar thought, ‘God is richer than the King. I had better approach God instead.’ So, he went before God. “God, you are the richest. Please show kindness and give me generously,’ said the beggar. God said, “Dear child! You should earn your living with hard work. I promise you will always have enough money.” The beggar understood God’s message. He stopped begging.

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