There was a tyrant king who punished his subjects severely. Everybody was afraid of him. One day, he went hunting in the morning. When he returned in the evening, he was a changed man. The next day, he told his subjects, “I promise to be a benevolent king from now on.” Many days passed thus. Everybody loved the king. One day, one of the king’s courtiers asked him, “Your Majesty, pardon me, but I have a question. What made you a changed man overnight?” The king replied, “When I went hunting, I saw a wild dog biting a fox. After some time, a hunter shot the wild dog with an arrow. Soon, the hunter was chased by a wild buffalo. The buffalo hit him with his horns. The buffalo hadn’t gone too far, when he fell into a ditch. One who does evil acts will soon be overtaken by evil.”
The Benevolent King