A woman at a grocery shop gave Josh a very strange look when he was sitting in his car, one evening. Her eyes could not be seen, only a blackness where eyes should have been. Her look was not just bad-tempered; it was accompanied by intense feeling of hatred. Josh just shrugged off the incident but not for long. He was waiting outside the dentist’s office, when the same woman got out of a car and walked past his car towards the building. Just before she got there, she turned to face Josh. He saw the same black-eyed look. At the same time, Josh could see the strange rays of red light flowing towards him. He said, “I must block it and I shouldn’t look away.” So, it was deviated to either side of him and to his shock, the energy crashed the trees on either side of Josh’s car! Eventually, she looked away and entered the building. Josh never saw her again.
The Black-eyed Woman