The Blind Son


Once, some people were sitting together in a train compartment. Among them were two friends and, a father and his son. As the train started to move, the excited son said, “Look, the train is moving and things are moving backwards.” His father gave a smile. As the train moved faster, the son screamed, “The trees are green and run backwards!” His father nodded his head in agreement. Now, the group of friends found all this very strange. One of them made fun of the son and shouted, “I think he is mad!” The father, on hearing this, remained calm. Then he explained to the boys, “My son was born blind. He was operated upon and got his vision a few days. He is seeing things for the first time in his life.” The boys was taken aback. Both of them were ashamed and apologised to the father and the son.
Moral: Do not judge in haste.

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