In the faraway land of Welshing Woods lived a family of blue dragons. They enjoyed to show off their fire breathing powers, so they would often burn up trees and parks in the village. A baby dragon in that family always felt sad when her family destroyed anything. She would follow the mischief makers and blow out the fire before it could do a lot of damage. One day, the dragons set fire to the trees in the village woods. Suddenly, the mighty winds blew and the Wind Fairy appeared. She was furious and shouted, “I will banish you naughty dragons to the underwater world forever!” Just then, the baby dragon appeared and said, “They are my family. I beg you to spare them.” The Witching Wind agreed but took away the adult dragon’s power to make fire. She also said, “Baby dragon, anytime they need a fire, they will ask you for help.” From that day on, there was everlasting peace in Welshing Woods.