The book exhibition

The book exhibition was held from Friday to Sunday in the town hall. It was jointly organized by the Education Department and a local book shop. On the very first day, I walked over to visit the exhibition immediately after school was over.
There were already many people at the exhibition. Most were school children like me.
The good thing about exhibitions is that usually there are free gifts and items on offer. This exhibition was no different. At a counter near the entrance, I registered to be a member of the book shop and I received a small calculator as a gift.
Inside the hall proper, I was amazed by the number of books on display. There were books on computers, science, technology, music, cookery, travel, business, self-help and general interests. Other types of publications include encyclopedias, maps, novels, greeting cards, magazines and children’s books. Also available were computer software, compact discs and other items published in electronic media. The town hall was fairly large yet every bit of space was made use of to display the items. Most of the items were arranged in shelves or on tables.
I noticed that there was a crowd over at a corner. So I ventured closer to have a look. As expected, items were on offer there. No wonder there were so many people. Slowly, I inched my way into the crowd to look at the items.
After looking though the items, I purchased a CD entitled “Our Solar System and Beyond”. It was a good buy.
Next I moved on to less crowded areas and look at the books. There were many that I would love to get my hands on but alas my financial status did not allow it. So I browsed through as many as I could. In that way I happily whiled away a whole afternoon.
Time passed quickly. My watch showed 5.00 p.m. and I had not even seen half of the exhibition. Anyhow I had to get home before my mother started wondering about me. I would have to come and visit the exhibition another day. So reluctantly I stepped out of the town hall and walked towards the bus stop.
while away to spend time in a relaxed way
browsed through searched through

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