The Book of Destiny

Zadig was a rich and handsome young man of Babylon. One day, he decided to travel around the world to gain wisdom. He saw all kinds of people, even those who were poor and miserable and wondered about the differences in the people. On the banks of the Euphrates river, he met an old hermit who was reading a scroll, which he said was the Book of Destiny. He gave it to Zadig, but the young man couldn’t read the strange language. The hermit offered to go along with Zadig so that he might comfort him.
“But there is one condition,” said the hermit, “You must promise to keep me with you no matter what I do!” When Zadig agreed, they walked along together on the way.

That night, they stopped at a magnificent mansion; they asked to stay there and begged for some food. The master of the mansion gave them comfortable apartments and they were given a place to eat at a lavishly laid long dinner-table. A golden bowl studded with jewels was given to them to wash their hands and they left early morning after sleeping there. Zadig found the hermit had stolen the golden bowl.
They stopped the next night at a little house that belonged to a rich man who was a great miser. He served them poor food and lumpy beds to sleep on. But the hermit gifted the golden bowl to the master. When Zadig asked him about his strange behaviour, the hermit said, “The first rich man will learn to be careful and the second one will learn to be generous!”
That night, they stayed with a wise man who was content and happy. But when they left, the hermit set his house on fire. “He is going to find a large treasure under his house!” said the hermit.

In the next house, they met a poor widow who loved her little nephew and cared for him. When Zadig and the hermit left, the nephew came along to help them cross a bridge over a river. The hermit flung the boy into the river, saying, “This boy would have killed his aunt!”
Then, the hermit transformed himself into angel Jezrael, young and beautiful with wings! “You are travelling to gain wisdom. But many things are already written in the Book of Destiny. I had to teach you those things by showing you through tests or teaching people a lesson. Now, you are wiser!” And then, he vanished with the Book of Destiny!

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