The Box in the Dream

Long ago, a kind and loving couple lived in a village. Once, Charlie, the husband, saved some money to buy a field. However, his neighbour fell ill, so Charlie lent all his money to him for medicines. One day, Charlie saw a dream. He saw himself digging his garden and finding a big box in the mud. Then a voice said, “Come and take what is yours.” Next day he told his wife about the dream and said, “I have to dig the garden and see if my dream is true.” Charlie and his wife dug the garden. After digging for long, Charlie’s shovel hit something hard. It was the same box from Charlie’s dream. A fairy appeared and said, “Charlie, you are a kind man; this is your reward.” Charlie took the box inside his house and opened it. Lo! It was full of precious stones and gold. Charlie and his wife lived happily ever after.

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