The Boy Who Lied

Once upon a time, there lived a young Shepherd Boy. Every afternoon, he took all his sheep on top of a mountain to graze grass.
One day, the Boy had a naughty idea. He thought, ‘Let us see what happens if I yell loudly.’ The Boy yelled, “Wolf! Wolf! Help!” As the villagers heard the Boy’s cry, they rushed on top of the mountain with their sticks. But to their dismay, they found the Boy laughing at them. They scolded the boy and went back to the village.
The next day, again the Boy yelled, “Wolf! Wolf! Please save me!” All the villagers ran on top of the mountain to see the Boy standing alone with his sheep. They questioned the boy about the wolf. He said, “I thought of a dog as the wolf and panicked.” All the villagers scolded him and warned him to be careful. They all returned to work while the Boy had a good laugh.
As usual, the Boy took his sheep to the mountain the next day as well. As he saw his sheep grazing, he noticed the bushes moving at a distance. He started gathering all his sheep under one tree. Suddenly, a wolf pounced on his sheep. The Boy yelled, “Wolf! Wolf!! Please save me.” But this time, none from the village came to help him.

The Boy managed to escape from the wolf and ran towards the village. But the wolf ate half of his sheep. The Boy went and told his father. his father scolded him for lying about the wolf earlier.

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