The Brave Birsa

Birsa lived in a happy society. This society had everything one needed. Every child in this society heard the stories of their brave ancestors. The men, the women and the children in this society were hard-working. Then one day, some outsiders came to this society. The outsiders were treated well but they did not treat the people of this society well. The outsiders took away their land and forest. So, the people of this society became poor. They were never poor before. The people of this society could not do anything because they had no weapons to fight with. The outsiders had guns to fight with. Then brave Birsa decided that he would arrange his men, train them to be fighters and fight against the outsiders. Birsa fought the outsiders with bows and arrows. The outsiders had guns. But in the end, Birsa won the battle and the outsiders were driven away.

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