Noni was one of the three cubs in a pride of lions. The other two learnt their lessons well. Noni, however, was slightly absent-minded.
Mama Lioness taught the little ones how to hunt. “You are brave lions,” she said, “Remember that always, and never be afraid!” They had to learn in order to read the footprints of different animals, watch the wind and recognize various smells. The other two cubs followed her, learning everything properly.
Noni rolled in the grass and laughed because it tickled him. He chased a butterfly and did not pay attention. Suddenly, he saw a footprint and thought he should follow his mother. He ran along following the footprints.

Suddenly, he found himself drenched with a spout of water! He shook himself and looked up. In front of him stood a huge elephant blowing water at him. He was very angry. “This fellow looks like a dark cloud. That’s why it is raining! I’m not scared!”
After running around for a while, he realized he was lost. He was a little sad. But then he thought his mother would want him to be brave, so he looked around to find his way back home.
He saw something moving on a branch. Looking at it he thought, “I’ll be able to see all around if I climb up there.” Slipping and sliding, he climbed into a branch. There was a nest with a parrot sitting in it, looking very fierce. It squawked loudly at Noni, who was so shocked that he promptly fell off!
He stood up and rubbed his nose thinking, “I must find someone to show me the way.” He began to walk looking for the footprints he had followed earlier. He found them and went back on the trail. He reached the spot where he had got separated from his family. There was no one! Suddenly, there was a rustle in the tall grass, and he heard a lion’s roar.
“Papa!” thought Noni, and he ran in the direction of the roar. On the way he stepped on a long rope. It reared up.

“Oh, goodness! That’s a snake!” he thought as he stood still and roared at it. It was a small roar, but a loud roar followed as Papa Lion came bounding out followed by his wife and the two cubs! The snake vanished in the grass. Noni jumped up to hug his mother and his father gave him a loving whack with his big paw! Noni, the brave little cub, was so happy to be back home!