The Brave Jellyfish

Once, a jellyfish lived in the sea. The other fish did not like her because she had a nasty sting. Everyone stayed away from her, so she felt alone and was sad. One day, while catching her prey, her tentacles became entangled badly. She could not move. She asked the passing fish for help, but they swam away. A clown fish who felt sorry for the jellyfish, stopped and helped her free herself. She was grateful, but would not shake hands, thinking she would sting and hurt the clown fish. So, she went away. Later, a big shark swam into the area, moving straight towards the clown fish. Panicking, everyone swam hither and thither. The jellyfish realised her rescuer was in trouble. So, quickly, the jellyfish stung the white shark in many sensitive places–its eyes, gills and belly. The shark swam away, crying in terror. Everyone congratulated the jellyfish on her bravery. Soon, she, the clown fish, and the others had become good friends.

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