The Brave Nymph

One day, Baby Nymph and Baby Pixie were returning home from school. Just then, they heard someone laughing around the corner. As they peeped around the wall, they saw the Black Witch talking to the Wicked Elf. She said, “Brother, let us attack the fairyland treasury and steal the magic pot of wisdom. Then, we will rule the world!” Nymph said to Pixie, “What will they do with the magic pot of wisdom?” The Pixie said, “They will know all the secrets of the world.” Nymph said, “We must do something.” However, Pixie was very scared and ran home. Brave Nymph climbed the volcanic mountain alone to visit the Fairy Queen and told her everything. The Fairy Queen wove a powerful magic web around the magic pot of wisdom. At midnight, when the Black Witch and the Wicked Elf came to steal, they became entangled in the web. The guardians caught them and threw them out of fairyland. Nymph was honoured with the Brave Child of the Year Award.

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