The Brick


Once upon a time, a man was speeding through when, suddenly, a brick came out of nowhere and hit his car! The man was shocked. He stopped his car and asked a boy standing nearby, “Can you tell me who threw the brick?” The boy replied, “I did.” The man was stunned. The boy explained, “I had been begging people to stop for help but no one stopped. My brother had fallen out of his wheelchair and I couldn’t lift him up. Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?” Moved beyond words, the man hurriedly lifted the brother back into the wheelchair. The grateful boy thanked the man and went away with his brother. As for the man, he did not repair his car ever. He kept the dent to remind himself of this message: Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick to get your attention!
Moral: Be aware of your surroundings.

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