The Brothers and the Maiden

King Vikramaditya as usual pulled the corpse down from the tree and put it on his shoulder. He started walking towards his kingdom. Baital could not keep silent and said to him, “While you are walking, let me tell you an interesting story. King Vikramaditya did not say anything. Baital smiled and started off with his story— “In the city of Angaj lived two Brahmin brothers. The elder brother was called Sant and the younger one was known as Basant. They loved each other a lot. Both were unmarried. One day, they went to a garden. As they were taking a stroll in the garden, they happened to see a beautiful maiden. The maiden came near them and stood there. Sant immediately fell in love with her. Basant saw his brother and remarked, “You seem to have been blown away by her beauty.” Sant smiled but did not reply.

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