The Buffalo and the Gnat

It had just rained and the sun was peeping through the clouds amid patches of bright blue sky. A buffalo was grazing near a pool in a meadow. Suddenly, a gnat began buzzing around him. He buzzed all around the buffalo, and then settled on his horns. Then he said to the buffalo, “Pardon me, sir; I didn’t mean to disturb you. If you think I’m bothering you, tell me so and I will move to some other place.” The buffalo was surprised. He looked around and said, “Who is it? Are you speaking to me?” The gnat replied, “Yes, sir. I’m up here on your horn.” The buffalo strained to look and he was amused. He said to the gnat, “Don’t worry, my friend. I didn’t even know you were sitting on me until you told me so. You are free to stay or go. It really doesn’t matter.”

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